Friday, September 11, 2009


Hi , once again I with new post.

but this time I don't have any reason to write a post, just feel like writing that's why I am writing. and i don't think every time you need reason for doing something, sometimes you have to do just for the sake of doing.

Every time, I fall into a relation and stuck somewhere, every time I fell that either of us is being selfish. don't know why? i not talking about relation ship of lovers but talking in broad manner. every relationships friends, siblings, family relationship, neighbors every damn bonding is just a piece of crap. every relation ship starting with self and ending for self, of course either mine or other depending on fate, of each.

starting form childhood, they like me because i m ranker in class, what happened when i lose my rank i have lose my friend. this hurt so badly that i have never make close friend, i do have friends but none so close which i had at school time.

siblings, greatest bonding in world. you might have to think again, they are now not great as they suppose to. if you on good position they happy to stay with you, otherwise you are brother of him/her, nope not a good deal. if you are a CEO of a company or on good position and have reputation, no one dare to cut your call or not pick up your call, but when recession strike your job, it will strike your relationship too. your values are not count with the love and affection you have towards them. but by the vitamin M you are getting at the end of month.

Vitamin M, my uncle had a habit to say all the time that even you want a god with you, you need Vitamin M. Money. this big M makes the difference and make or break relationship.

what you are thinking about me? I am badly hurt. yes, i am. but i m not that much pessimist, i ll take that in positive way. i ll increase my size (don't take literal meaning) , status. to stay in this selfish world. its good if i can prove my self among many selfish (almost 100% , please good people comment me).

And ya do have good friends, and i know why they are with me, and what about i also have reason to staying with them? think about your self.

That's all from me.... keep smiling.


  1. Relationship, huh??..Tell me how will you feel if you were the only person left on the earth?..Reflect..Even though you are hard skinned but the very thought of you being the sole survivor might nervous you..even though u mi8 not want to admit but is it not true?..Now, Relationship is nothing but a bond between two may be blood-relations or relations one creates in his/er life..The foundation of relationship is nothing but the myriad needs of human beings ( That's how human being are made, Accept it..)..the needs may be emotional ( gf-bf ), monetary need,..,etc,etc... According to you money breaks/make the relationship..very true..but don't you think the degree of your involvement in the relationship lies in our hand..if you feel, money is the base of your relationship than simple, lessen your degree of may never know when you might need the help of a point in breaking the relationship neither is the need to condemn the relationship..Take it of our purpose on earth is to bridge as many relations as we can..and yeah it's a fact that when you lose, seldom do people want to with why don't you strive and be a winner..that's the RULE!

  2. Nice,said buddy... It seems that you read lots of books, or I say ideal books with ideal conditions, better you should take a walk... not with blind eyes but with open eyes and see what is percent of dependency of relationship on money... Its good to be optimistic but its bad if optimism take you far from reality... I like if earth is just like a dream, but truly speaking is just better than Nightmare.
    Hope that your life stay like dreams.. :) cheers

  3. life is nuthin but a myth..why spoil the dream when after all what you experience is a myht??
