Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thank you Son…

Hi, I am starting blogging with this true story.

When I was in balcony I saw uncle and his wife from my neighbour standing near the crossroad. I never seen them both standing and waiting for someone in early morning. They saw me and just smiled, and then continue to their waiting. After some time one auto rickshaw came, they wave their hand to their granddaughter and went back. I shocked and found myself into history in a playground.

I am playing cricket with a guy who is completed his board exams with flying colours and doing his MBBS, in top ranked college of state. He is quite a good player, "Wasim Akram" what we were telling him, at that time. He is son of my neighbour uncle Chandreshbhai and Avaniben. His name is Prayag. Topper of class and overall good person, I was playing in their house as they had bigger playground.

Times went by Prayag completed his MBBS and cleared the exams of further studies. In India feild of medicine is like new religion, you always find someone there who suites you, and guess what Prayag also find someone, Dr.Neha. So, with studies wedding also take place, who can wait for 35 years to get married, I can't.

Now, Chandreshbhai a middle class man is taking care of four people, and all other relationship on his own shoulder, which was getting older and older day by day. Study completed after few years of marriage, Dr.Prayag wanted to start his own clinic.

"Dad, I wanted to start something big I need your help, you have to help me". Chandreshbhai sold this half part of home, which was our playground some days back. Clinic started and glory of Dr.Prayag was increasing like anything. And with glory lots of money comes in. Now it is not middle class family which is saving every penny for future, it is now higher middle class family which can spend money on leisure of lifestyle. Quite good until now, one more feather added to their happiness, they have nice daughter, Priya. What a happy family.

Now, here is the punch I don't know what happen but Dr.Prayag left his bungalow went to the flat. "Son, I just play with my granddaughter and spend my time; I don't wanted to live without her, just do me little favour don't go, please".

And here is the new India improved and running like anything, I don't know where, I am just 23 and have experience nothing but for sure I don't want to experience this. I am fully practical person, the Y generation IT professional, science student. But waiting of Chandreshbhai and Avaniben for little Priya made me think.

So, I chose this is as my first blog entry. If anyone of you guess the valid reason of Dr.Prayag to leave their parents please tell me. Comment on the blog.

This is my first blog, so there must be many mistakes, please don't mind; your suggestions are always welcome. See you soon.

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