Friday, September 25, 2009

Ba e mari Boundary

hi, weird title huh... its just a Gujarati of "Grandmother hits Boundary".

Its a Gujarati play, which I have seen yesterday... I not more a art lover or somewhat like that, and truly speaking this is my first full length play. but It is cool... I liked it...

its better than any other Hindi movie recently released. quite good use of words, which are now missing in industry both Gujarati and Hindi...

many of my friends and cousins don't know how to write Gujarati, they prefer English at home and count as status symbol. they are not Gujarati, definitely not. Britisher left India but their child are still making pain in a**.

Even Vasant is more Gujarati than them. this play is for them, clean and clear hit by Ba (grandmother) to all who are following west blindly. quite good to watch...

well this time i ll end with my favourite words

"Jai Jai Garvi Gujarat" "Vande Matram"

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