Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What CAT can do to you?

IIM every Indian's dream? (seriously :))

They take entrance exam called CAT (Common Admission Test), what this test can do to you, besides making your career (huh!!!) if you got lucky and get admission.

  • CAT makes you believe in God, because he is the only one on whom you can trust for result.
  • It makes either extreme pessimistic or optimistic, you can't be normal after seriously aiming for CAT
  • It can kill every bit of versatility in you. And still they want to find the same in you, for admission.
  • In the era of Technical Revolution, you go far from it, just to attempt age old problems of Maths, current Problems of DI, Never look like a problem of LR, and alien language problems of VR. (DI = Data Interpretation, LR = Logical Reasoning, VR = verbal reasoning)
  • You become great worrier, as you have to defeat 2-3 lacs others, single handedly.
  • You never got nightmares, try CAT if you want to feel every bit of it.
  • It shakes every pillar of your personality and belief, you become none, blank just because of an exam, after giving hundreds of exam. Even zero have higher value than you. (I m serious, try probability)
  • You feel hell around you, and guess what everyone know you can't do anything, but still they wanted to you to do something. (still I don't know what)
  • but truly I have to say one thing if you, pass trough this, you just become like Achilles, no one can beat you... almost no one.
  • You stay in MBA field, or any other you can withstand anything.
But everything comes with price tag, CAT is also include, you have to pay price, heavy price.

If I say about me, I m thorough technical person, don't believe in any other than me, but after preparing for CAT getting marks like sh**, after burning my a** (which I never burned earlier). I am as engineer can't break the base rule of one night stand before exam, but can't do in CAT. Yes, May my effort is not enough, or best like others, but it is better than my past records and still I am no where near. So, completely relying on God. (Otherwise how on the earth you can find this much photos of God in blog of Mine?)

Hey 333 million Gods of India, please help me. You are the only hope left.

And whoever reading this, please please pray for me, I need that the most.

1 comment:

  1. Really Awesum.......m also preparin for CAT and also being an engineer i reciprocated every feeling of yours......
