Friday, September 25, 2009

Ba e mari Boundary

hi, weird title huh... its just a Gujarati of "Grandmother hits Boundary".

Its a Gujarati play, which I have seen yesterday... I not more a art lover or somewhat like that, and truly speaking this is my first full length play. but It is cool... I liked it...

its better than any other Hindi movie recently released. quite good use of words, which are now missing in industry both Gujarati and Hindi...

many of my friends and cousins don't know how to write Gujarati, they prefer English at home and count as status symbol. they are not Gujarati, definitely not. Britisher left India but their child are still making pain in a**.

Even Vasant is more Gujarati than them. this play is for them, clean and clear hit by Ba (grandmother) to all who are following west blindly. quite good to watch...

well this time i ll end with my favourite words

"Jai Jai Garvi Gujarat" "Vande Matram"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Don't be Evil - Google

very nice title, huh...

but very tough to follow in industry where you have competitor like Microsoft, Apple..

Ya I am saying about google... they are originally behind this line and guess what I am smelling something wrong here.

Guess what, orkut stop working in FireFox and I ll try evergreen Internet explorer and again it crashed...

So, what? may be it is under maintenance... nope... i download chrome from google and orkut working like anything... same thing happens with other google site other than GMail... (thank god).

I am supporter of Microsoft and google both. but I don't hope this from google...

hey any body from google have any explanation.???

Friday, September 11, 2009


Hi , once again I with new post.

but this time I don't have any reason to write a post, just feel like writing that's why I am writing. and i don't think every time you need reason for doing something, sometimes you have to do just for the sake of doing.

Every time, I fall into a relation and stuck somewhere, every time I fell that either of us is being selfish. don't know why? i not talking about relation ship of lovers but talking in broad manner. every relationships friends, siblings, family relationship, neighbors every damn bonding is just a piece of crap. every relation ship starting with self and ending for self, of course either mine or other depending on fate, of each.

starting form childhood, they like me because i m ranker in class, what happened when i lose my rank i have lose my friend. this hurt so badly that i have never make close friend, i do have friends but none so close which i had at school time.

siblings, greatest bonding in world. you might have to think again, they are now not great as they suppose to. if you on good position they happy to stay with you, otherwise you are brother of him/her, nope not a good deal. if you are a CEO of a company or on good position and have reputation, no one dare to cut your call or not pick up your call, but when recession strike your job, it will strike your relationship too. your values are not count with the love and affection you have towards them. but by the vitamin M you are getting at the end of month.

Vitamin M, my uncle had a habit to say all the time that even you want a god with you, you need Vitamin M. Money. this big M makes the difference and make or break relationship.

what you are thinking about me? I am badly hurt. yes, i am. but i m not that much pessimist, i ll take that in positive way. i ll increase my size (don't take literal meaning) , status. to stay in this selfish world. its good if i can prove my self among many selfish (almost 100% , please good people comment me).

And ya do have good friends, and i know why they are with me, and what about i also have reason to staying with them? think about your self.

That's all from me.... keep smiling.